Things to do after installing Ubuntu: 

Some items from this list was taken from the following Uan article called 40 Things to do after installing Ubuntu.

Software to Install First

  1. After OS install, do an OS update on all software and systems via command line: sudo apt update && upgrade
  2. Install the gnome tweak tool, by doing the following command: sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool -y
  3. Install Ubuntu Restricted Extras via command line: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
  4. Install the gnome extensions for your browser by going to
  5. Install flatpack. Installing flatpak is a utility from Fedora, and this will allow you to get more applications and software: sudo apt-get install flatpack  To install the flathub repository run the following command: flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub-org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo  
  6. Install VLC. VLC is one of the best media players for music and video, and can play almost anything: sudo snap install vlc
  7. Install GIMP:
    1. $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp
    2. $ sudo apt-get update
    3. $ sudo apt-get install gimp


Chrome Remote Desktop

Installing Chrome and Chrome Remote desktop can be found on Google Chrome website.

  1. For remote desktop, you can install chrome and then install chrome remote desktop.
  2. Before installing Chrome and Chrome Remote Desktop, manually create the folder via command line: mkdir ~/.config/chrome-remote-desktop
  3. Install Google Chrome.
  4. Then download and install, Chrome Remote Desktop.

For Problems installing Chrome Remote Desktop See:


In general, there are occasional problems with the color profile, when remoting into A GUI based Linux Distro. 

For Ubuntu all versions, delete the file org.freedesktop.color.policy file (located in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions). By deleting this file, you are basically removing the limitations of creating and managing color devices and profiles.


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